Saturday, July 18, 2009

4th of July

Our wonderful children!!
Brooke, oh how she loves her picture taken...not!!
Brooke and Nick, they're so cute!!
Ethan with his sparkler before he got burned.
Madi with her sparkler, thankfully she didn't get burned.
Colin with his sparkler before he got burned.
Cold bodies, snuggling in.
Starting the festivities!
Angelic Brooke...

Sorry I didn't do a slide show. This just seemed easier at the time. This was our 4th of July. We were VERY thankful to be able to have Brooke for the weekend. Every moment we have with her is cherished. Once again this year we went to Omaha to the Lindsey household. It was the 2nd annual 4th of July party. We started the tradition last year, lol! Anyway, once again we had a great time, the fireworks were good, the company even better! We did have a few mishaps with the stinkin' sparklers, but other than that it was great.