Friday, August 29, 2008

Ethan Starts Pre-School

8/26/08-Ethan started Pre-K at St. Joseph's, he'll go from 8-11am every Tuesday and Thursday. It was a VERY proud day for this mama! There were no sad looks, no pleads to take him with me, and most of all no tears...until I walked out. Then I started to get emotional and by the time I hit the car I had almost lost it. My baby boy, sensitive to almost everything, cries at the drop of a hat...didn't cry the first day of school? Sure, I had prepared him and pumped him up because everyone knows school is cool! What I had failed to do was prepare myself! Rookie mistake, I know! I was totally prepared to be upset about Madi going to school and it ended up ok.

Ethan really enjoyed his first day and was disappointed that they didn't "make" anything. They colored their September calendar, but apparently that wasn't enough. Wednesday morning, while preparing Madi's lunch, Ethan asks if he gets to go to school too. I let him down gently and told him no, he was fine with it because then he got to go the next day. I think it's going to be a really great experience for him. The third picture is of him and his teacher Mrs. Kriefels.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Madison Starts School

8/21/08-Madi started school half days for the first two days. She absolutely loved school!! She couldn't wait to go back the next day. Nick took off from work so he could go with us to see her off the first day. Afterwards, I told Madi she could pick where we ate lunch. She picked "the place with her favorite bread" (Grisanti's). The last picture is of her at Grisanti's enjoying her favorite bread.

Monday she started full days at school and then we had swimming right after. I thought she would be exhausted, but she was still going strong at bedtime. It's great to see her so excited about school. Now she's excited about having hot lunch.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Summer Lesson

Madi needed to learn to tie her shoes for school. Nothing like waiting until the last minute right? Anyway, I ordered a book this past spring that has diagrams and laces that are attached to the book. I worked with Madi before school was done, but we put the book away and it was forgotten. Last night I had Madi get the book out and had her and Nick work on it. After we had her school tour tonight we came home and worked a little bit more. Then I had her get her tennis shoes out and put them on. She put them on and tied them. I just happened to snap that last picture at the right time...I love it! She was so happy that she did it!