Ethan holding his first egg to color. He was hilarious because he was sooo nervous. He kept asking if they were fake eggs and wouldn't break. I was having a hard time getting it through that the eggs were real, just hard boiled so they wouldn't make a mess.
Madison writing her name on her egg. One egg said "The Madison".
Ethan excited about the eggs. We dyed eggs at about 2pm and he talked about it almost every minute up until that point. So from about 8am-2pm all we heard was talk about the eggs.
Madison's favorite egg and I have to say it is pretty cute. She had colored it pink to begin with, then put the smiley face on it and put it in blue coloring.
Ethan's egg with a sticker. He put it in yellow, colored on it and then it went into the green.
In my opinion this was the coolest egg. Madi colored on it twice and dipped it into three different colors. It really turned out neat!
Mama's eggs. These are eggs that are still raw that I needed for the weekend. I decided to color them because I have a hard time watching the kids color eggs and not join in. How pretty!
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