On 8/12/09 we decided to go mini-golfing with the Neumann Family. As you may be able to tell it was a HOT day. The kids' cheeks are looking a little red in the pictures. This was one of our last activities to do before school started. The kids really enjoy mini-golfing. They had been begging to go to Adventure Golf, but they settled on Champion's Fun Center because we could go for free. This was our second time there and Madison did rather well considering she had a cast on her arm.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Broken Arm
July 29, 2009
After falling at Lost In fun and having an x-ray taken we headed to the Nebraska Orthopedic office. I really didn't think that Madi had broke her arm. Initially, the doctor wasn't even going to send us for x-rays. While talking with me the doctor kept feeling Madi's arm and Madison winced a little in one spot. That was enough to send us for the x-ray. We went home to wait it out overnight. Madison sat around and didn't use her arm much that night. We iced it, but it really wasn't swollen. In the morning I was very surprised to get the call saying that it was broken. Madison was very upset and didn't want to get a cast. We ended up waiting to see the doctor for almost an hour! By that time, Madi didn't care what they did to her arm, she just wanted to get out of there! She picked a purple cast and we were on our way. Ethan had to help her put her seatbelt on for a few days before she got the hang of things. I think he really liked helping her out. The last picture is the day she got the cast taken off. What a glorious day!!! I was ready for her to dress herself and ready for easier bath time!
Posted by Rene' at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Lost In Fun
July 28, 2009
The kids and I joined The Vande Griend's at Lost In fun. This is the day that Madison fell and broke her arm. The last time we went there with Jill and the kids Gracie tried doing a flip in a bouncy house and hurt her neck. My conclusion, we can go there, the Vande Griend's can go there, but we can't go together anymore! It was a crazy day after ending up at the Pediatrician's office and then off to get an x-ray. We never thought is was broken, but we were wrong.
Posted by Rene' at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Trego Splash Park
7/23/09 We had a MOPS playdate at the Trego Splash Park. We were only there for an hour, but the kids had a lot of fun. The best part is that it's FREE!! Madison ended up playing with a friend from swimming and Ethan tagged along with them.
Posted by Rene' at 1:17 PM 0 comments
7/18/09 The kids had fun with bubble blowers, even though they broke after about 30 minutes. We had bubbles all over the place! Madi and Ethan were pretty excited to have Colin come over for the day. Candy was working and Erik and Nick were helping my dad move in to his apartment so it was me and the three kids. It was a great day!
Posted by Rene' at 1:11 PM 0 comments
Children's Museum
We went to the Lincoln Children's Museum on 7/21/09 with Christy, Katelyn and Cooper. The kids had been begging to go again, so away we went! I think we were there for about 3 hours and the kids still weren't thrilled about leaving. The funniest thing is that the kids get the biggest kick out of the elevator. Instead of a regular wall they put in glass so you can watch the elevator go up and down. I think they would spend half of their time watching the elevator if we let them!! It's so funny to see Ethan get so excited to see the elevator go by. I'm sure we'll be going back to the museum AT LEAST one more time before school starts.
Posted by Rene' at 12:53 PM 0 comments
I'm so happy that I finally have pictures of the kids at swimming
lessons. I took pictures when Madison started lessons for the first
time, but I've never gotten around to taking Ethan's. I invited my
mom to lessons and she brought her camera so now I have
pictures!!! It just happened that the day she came the kids did
some different things. Madi got to wear flippers again and Ethan
went off the green peanut. These are things they don't always do.
It's amazing how much the kids have learned and they absolutely
love swimming. We've been to Woods Pool several times and they
would rather go to the big pool over playing in the splash area. I
stand there and Ethan jumps in and swims to me, then back to the
wall. He does this over and over and over for the hours we are
there. Madison can go off on her own in the smaller big pool there.
She always swims back to say hi and then she's off again. When
we are at the pool the time flies by so fast.
Posted by Rene' at 11:26 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Bowlin' Time!
7/16/09-We had fun times at Sun Valley Lanes again this year. Last year was the first time we bowled and the kids really enjoyed it. Ethan had more patience this year with bowling more than one game. They look so stinkin' cute in those bowling shoes!! We went with the Neumann family, Christy, Katelyn and Cooper. The kids get along great and always have a blast together!
Posted by Rene' at 10:25 PM 0 comments
4th of July
Posted by Rene' at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 6, 2009
Madi turns 7!!!!
The Three Amigos!! Goofing around and taking a couple of bites of ice cream.
Posted by Rene' at 8:37 PM 0 comments
6/12/09-Madison's actual birthday. Every Friday at our HyVee they have $1 jr. smoothies. My kids absolutely love going and getting their smoothies! I just happened to have my camera with me since it was Madi's birthday.
Posted by Rene' at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Squiggly Hose
It's been way too long since I last posted, I apologize! These pictures were taken 6/14/09. We didn't have the pool set up yet so we let the kids run through the squiggly hose. Oh what fun! Madi and Ethan get thirsty while they are out there so they get part of the hose and take a drink. Ethan was laying on the ground forever taking a drink.
Posted by Rene' at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
This song each child is given a colored paper heart. When they practiced the song each time they were given a different color. So each time they had to really listen and pay attention to the song for their color. This time around Ethan has green.
Posted by Rene' at 2:34 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Yet Another New Tooth Experience...
Posted by Rene' at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Ethan's School Program
Ethan's program took place outside on the patio since it was so nice. He did a GREAT job!! Nick and I were really proud of him. I was worried his shyness would keep him from performing, but he did it and did it well. The little guy next to him didn't want any part of the happenings. He's suppose to be Ethan's partner for this song, Ethan just kept on going. I just can't believe our little guy is getting so big! I'll post more videos of other songs.
Posted by Rene' at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!!

Posted by Rene' at 8:24 PM 1 comments
Sunken Gardens
Posted by Rene' at 8:10 PM 1 comments