Sunday, November 9, 2008

Movie Night

11/8/08-On my way home I purchased Kung Foo Panda. I told the kids I would pop them some popcorn and we could all watch the movie. I was inspired by Jon & Kate Plus 8. If they can do it with eight kids we can certainly manage with 2.
Anyway, the kids were really excited and loved eating the popcorn. Ethan doesn't enjoy sitting for very long watching TV, so he got a little antzy, but after a while he just went to sleep. He must have been really tired because Madi was making all kinds of noise and was hyper after the movie and he never moved. My favorite picture is of Madi being a goofball next to Ethan while he's sleeping. As usual, I fell asleep for a little while during the middle of the movie.
My new favorite sound...listening to the kids digging in the popcorn bowl and then hearing them crunch it in their mouths. There was no talking, just eating and the great feeling of us all being together as a family.